Thursday, January 20, 2005

II Thessalonians 3:13

“Lord, what do you want me to learn from this?”

“Am I glorifying you?”

It’s only Wednesday, but I feel as though my time at work this week has been endless. I haven’t gone home before 7PM at all this week, even though 4 - 4:30 is my normal time to leave. One of my projects had a problem, and it’s taken time away from all my other projects, which still have to get finished on time. So I’ve left work each day unable to think anymore and weary to my bones.

Today–my longest day this week–as I walked out to my car, I asked those two questions, above. I’m not sure I know the answers.

The second question is easier to answer: Some times. When I devote myself to doing my job well, or when I encourage others, it may be glorifying Him. But when I let myself get distracted or vent my frustrations, that’s not glorifying at all.

What does the Lord want me to learn? What comes to mind is II Thessalonians 3:13, “But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good.” I do grow weary, but the Lord is there to calm my spirit and refresh me, if I ask. He is the One who placed me in this job and keeps me there–when other people I’ve worked with before are out on the market looking for work. Ultimately, the Lord is in control.

How do you answer these questions when your life becomes difficult? How do you answer them when life is smooth? Whether you’re filled with weariness or filled with joy, let your heart keep seeking His.



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