Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Luke 18:22

Luke 18:22 “‘There is still one thing you lack,’ Jesus said. ‘Sell all you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.’”

I’m getting the carpet in my house replaced. The current carpet is disgustingly stained and I’ve decided not to put up with it anymore.

Part of the carpet replacement process is having to clear the furniture and paraphernalia out of the house so the installers will be able to do their work. But I’ve got so much stuff–some of it still in boxes from when I moved in almost two years ago.

As I’ve gone through the Purpose-Driven Life with my church for the last 40 days, I’ve looked again at God’s purposes for my life. He made me to worship Him, to fellowship with the family of believers, to become more like Christ, to serv Him by serving other believers, and to spread the gospel. The things that I do and the things that I own need to further one or more of these purposes in my life, or they’re just wasted effort.

So now I look at my stuff with new eyes and new questions. How do my books (that’s what I have the most of) further my walk with Christ or help the body of believers? Those books and other items that do nothing or that are a drain on my life must go.

Jesus himself had no place of His own, and presumably didn’t have much stuff. Yet His was the richest life, and He passed on His brand of riches to His disciples.

It is what we do for Him with what we have that counts. May all that we have and do further His purpose in our lives.



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