Monday, March 07, 2005

God You Spin the Whirling Planets

Jane Parker Huber wrote a wonderful hymn in the last century entitled "God You Spin the Whirling Planets". This beautiful song details Creation as outlined in the early chapters of Genesis.

Verse one:
God, You spin the whirling planets, fill the seas and spread the plain.
Mold the mountains, fashion blossoms, Call forth sunshine, wind and rain.
We created in Your image, would a true reflection be.
Of Your justice, grace and mercy and the truth that makes us free.

Verse two:
You have called us to be faithful in our life and ministry.
We respond in grateful worship, joined in one community.
When we blur Your gracious image, focus us and make us whole.
Healed and strengthened as Your people, we move onward toward Your goal.

Verse three:
God, Your word is still creating calling us to life made new.
Now reveal to us fresh vistas where there's work to dare and do.
Keep us clear of all distortion. Polish us with loving care.
Thus new creatures in Your image, we'll proclaim Christ everywhere.

Some of the imagery is just spectacular. The power that God exhibited to create Mount Everest also created delicate flower blossoms and humming birds!

The third verse has great application for us today. God does call each of us to a new life and provides us with fresh views of where He would have us serve Him, bringing glory to His kingdom. With God's help, we can stay focused on Him while he polishes off our rough edges so that we might serve Him more gloriously by proclaiming Christ everywhere.

Blessings to you today!



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