Wednesday, May 04, 2005


My family is knee deep in preparations for a trip to visit our church's sister church at the end of this month. We have had a relationship with the church in Malawi (for those of you who enjoy geography, you are probably scrambling for your African map) which is in south central Africa. A pastor from our Presbytery has been serving in Malawi for the last year and he had the opportunity to visit with our sister congregation a few weeks ago. His observations of a Sunday worship service reveal an experience far different from what Christians in the states usually experience.

First of all, the usual service will last 3 to 4 hours. When people walk for hours to attend worship, I guess you want to make it worth while. The sermon is usually lasts at least 45 minutes to an hour. The pastor of our sister church stayed with us last fall and he said that the congregation would think that the pastor did not know what he was doing if he only spoke for the traditional 15 or 20 minutes.

The collection apparently is quite amazing. Being the 4th poorest country in the world, the congregation is not very wealthy. That being said, the collection is frequently in the form of livestock, vegetables and money. The collection is counted by the church Elders immediate and the total given. If it is not enough to provide for the churches needs, everyone comes forward once again!

Elders in the African Presbyterian church have far more expanded roles than those of us here in America. I will need to be prepared to teach a sermon or two along with several Bible studies. I might also be asked to officiate a funeral. Fortunately, we are taking our own pastor with us, so he can cover any funerals.

We have spent many hours in training focused on culture, protocol, and preparation for conditions a bit more rustic than those to which we are accustomed. I can't wait to see what God has in store for my wife, daughter and me! I know that we will learn much from our brothers and sisters half a world away and I look forward to sharing those learnings with you all.

By the way, if you ever get an opportunity to do some mission work (either foreign or domestic) go for it. It will change your life forever.



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