Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Attitude of Gratitude (Part 2)

Here’s another piece written about attitude that speaks to my heart. I hope this touches you as well:

What a relief that God sees everything! He already knows your situation. On the other hand, though, He also knows how we’re thinking. So in dealing with frustrations, it’s important to ensure we aren’t grumbling for the sake of grumbling.

I Samuel 16:7 “Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

Issues like boredom, repetitive tasks, and low level pay are usually outside our power to influence, unless a more satisfactory job comes along. They may provoke us to blame persons or organizations. They may tempt us into going slow, or discouragement, or a ‘so what’ attitude.

The better alternative is to ask the Lord to check our motives and thoughts. He already knows them, so He won’t be hassled if something isn’t right. Let Him help you deal with anything that needs attention. If the workplace problem is still there afterwards, face it as a reality and remember that Jesus dealt with realities including physical and emotional tiredness, living with only the bare necessities, powerful opponents, and unjust arrest and conviction. He’s got experience. Ask Him to direct you.

Lining up our hearts with the Lord like that is a spiritual reality check. Then, it becomes easier to:
  • See things to give thanks for (coffee break, pleasant coworker, humor, etc);
  • Show competency and reliability (people notice, whether they show it or not);
  • Pray silently, keeping close to the presence of God.

Done with a good heart, these practices ease the day’s frustrations. Practice them, learn them, do the spiritual reality check, and keep doing them until they are normal to you. God will glorify our efforts. Paul tells us (paraphrased) that ordinary men chase a crown that will not last, but we do what we do to get a crown that will last forever! (1 Corinthians 9:25)

Here’s a different spin to today’s subject. Perhaps you are in a position to help improve the conditions of other people who are affected by these kinds of situations. Pray about how to use your influence for good.



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