Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Paying Debts

Proverbs 17:18 “It is poor judgment to co-sign a friend’s note, to become responsible for a neighbor’s debts.”

Proverbs 12:22 “The Lord hates those who don’t keep their word, but he delights in those who do.”

Proverbs 14:32a “The wicked are crushed by their sins.”

Last Memorial Day, my kids went with their dad (my ex-husband) and took some friends along as they went camping near San Felipe in Mexico. One of my daughter’s friends dropped out of the trip at the last minute but let them use the inflatable mattress she had planned to bring. Since I was the parent who knew the friend’s family, I agreed to return the mattress to them after the trip.

The problem is that I’m really horrible at returning things, which is why I make it a point not to borrow. If something isn’t right in front of my face, I don’t think of it. And the mattress was in my car’s trunk. Out of sight, out of mind, not returned. I would remember it at the worst times: 10:00 at night when I took the groceries out of the car, or 6:30 in the morning when I drove past the street that led to their house. But not when it would have been OK to bring it back to them.

Months went by, and then those times I remembered the mattress, I felt the added pressure of guilt and shame over having in my possession something that didn’t belong to me. I had taken on responsibility for my ex-husband’s debt (the mattress) and promised to return it, but I wasn’t keeping my word. And this was beginning to crush my spiritual life.

This past weekend, nearly a year after I put the mattress in my trunk, I drove to my daughter’s friend’s house and gave it back to them. I was ashamed to show my face to them but even more ashamed before God not to. They were gracious, and our relationship was restored. And I was overwhelmed with thanks to God for helping me to finally be free from that burden of debt.

How about you? Is there something you owe or a promise you’ve made that you’ve been having trouble keeping? Is it affecting your relationship with someone else and especially with the Lord? Come to Him for the courage to take the action you need to take. Let Him relieve the crushing burden, so He can take delight in you when you keep your word.



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