Monday, June 06, 2005

Ephesians 2:8

If you were asked to give the definition of the word grace, how would you answer? Grace is a word that conjures up all sorts of images in our minds. We can look at a gymnast or ballerina and say they are graceful. The word can also mean the blessing given before a meal is eaten. We say grace. Sometimes creditors give us a grace period to meet a financial obligation. Webster’s dictionary uses words such as approval, favor, mercy or pardon to describe the word grace. We sing the song Amazing Grace. Yet, what does the word mean to us as Christians? What does it mean to those who are perishing, that do not know Jesus? Looking at some of our great Bible heroes we find that some of them were adulterers, murderers and even torturers of believers. Yet, God by His grace forgave them and restored them. Paul’s life was changed forever and he went on to be a great missionary and spread the gospel to those he once persecuted. David was called a man after God’s own heart even after a season of adultery and having a man murdered. God extended forgiveness and restored these men because of His grace. What can we say about the grace that God has extended to us? He sent His son Jesus Christ for our salvation, to cover all of our sins. Ephesians 2:8 says, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” It is by grace that we have been saved. The amazing part is that grace is a gift from God. We can do nothing to earn it, our part is to just receive it. Praise God today for His awesome gift.


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