Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Revelation 3:16

It is quite a scene, a spectacle, actually. The congregation is in rapt attention as the holy relic moves back and forth across the worship area. The priests, dressed in the most colorful of vestments, labor greatly, in a tightly packed ceremony, to fulfill their responsibilities during this Sunday routine in front of the huge, passionate crowd that has gathered. Suddenly one of the priests breaks free from the others, the holy relic clutched tightly in his arms! He scampers some great number of cubits, crossing the holy threshold and spikes the most revered relic into the ground! The congregation goes wild, waving brightly colored worship aids in the air, screaming in pure delight.

As you have guessed by now, I am not describing what most mainline religions would call a worship service. But for many, they approach football with a passion far greater than they have for real worship. And, of course, it is not just football. It can be our job, a hobby, a relationship, or even apathy.

Revelation 3:16 "So, because you are luke-warm - neither hot not cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth."

Our primary passion should be for God and his things, not the things of this world. I know a fellow, an officer of his church, who does not attend worship from Memorial Day to Labor Day because Sunday is his golf day. He justifies this with the fact that he can spend time with his family Sunday afternoon. I would argue that if you are not right with God, you can't be right with others, even your family. Worship is an incredibly important part of a believer's life, a place to encourage and be encouraged. When you miss that, there is a hole in your spiritual life. The balance to all of this is your quiet, personal time which is equally important.

God wants us to be passionate about him. It is OK to enjoy some of the things of this world (I personally hope the Steelers knock the Ravens into the Chesapeake Bay this Sunday afternoon). It is all about priorities. Where are your priorities?




Blogger Oberon said...

.......foster peace in your own life and apply the Art to all that you encounter......Morihei Ueshiba.

1:40 PM  

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