Monday, April 04, 2005

Psalm 101: 3

3 I will not set anything godless before my eyes. I hate the doing of transgression; it will not cling to me.
Video input is very strong and very important. I believe it was Francis Bacon that said “the eye is the window of the soul.” What you feed your heart and mind is what is going to be manifest in your life. When the saints of God are exposed to lust, greed, malice, envy, jealousy, adultery, murder, etc., etc. That necessarily has an effect on their walk with God.

I had a pastor that put it this way; would you let a couple walk into your house, lay down on your living room floor and have sex in front of your family? Would you let a man with a gun run through the rooms of your house shooting at people? Would you let a visiting couple use graphically obscene language and stand by quietly while one partner physically abused another?

Yet many of us allow this kind of activity to go on before our eyes on a regular basis on both the television and the theatre screen. Furthermore, we see no problem with exposing our children to it, and then wonder why they are angry, violent and disrespectful.

Romans 12:2 says 2 Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. Your mind can be transformed for good or for evil. When you see an advertisement for a new product that you just have to try, your mind has just been transformed. When your psyche has become numbed to the vulgarity and obscenity that it is faced with on television every day, it has been transformed.

I challenge you this week; while you are enjoying your video input, be it television, movies, computer screens or video games, ask yourself this simple question. If Jesus were sitting here next to me, would I be comfortable with Him watching this? If we are honest, I think we will be surprised and a little shocked at how often the answer is no.

In His Service, For His Glory


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