Tuesday, March 22, 2005

God Exists & the Bible is His Book—Part II: Integrity

“Make a special holy place in your hearts for Christ, the Lord. Always be ready to give an answer of defense to anyone who asks you why you have hope inside you.” I Peter 3:15

Is the Bible correct? Scholars agree that the New Testament was written and widely circulated throughout the Christian communities within 40-50 years of the events they describe. This is critical information. If details in the New Testament were incorrect, there would have been huge debates resulting in splits within the early Church, as people who witnessed these things firsthand would not tolerate misrepresentation of the true facts. Despite the fact that millions of early Christians were subjected to unthinkable torture and martyrdom, do you realize that not once is there any account in history of even one of them denying their faith? Why? Clearly they believed in their hearts and minds that all the things mentioned in the New Testament were true.

If anyone would have introduced an alteration of the Truth, it would have been instantly detected and denounced by the eye-witnesses who knew the Truth. Moreso, once the New Testament was translated into Hebrew, Syriac, Egyptian, Coptic, Latin etc. it would have been impossible for anyone to twist the Truth as they would have needed to do so into all these translations simultaneously since they were/are constantly compared.

When closely examined, we see the writers of the Bible, Old and New Testaments, were extremely careful and detailed in all their writings. This past century, historical and archeological findings confirm the remarkable accuracy of biblical descriptions. About one hundred years ago scholars supported the “Documentary Hypothesis” stating that one man, Moses, didn’t write the first five books of the Bible (the Torah): one example--- because God is referred to by multiple names (e.g., Elohim, Jehovah, Adonai, etc.), rather this one man simply compiled these books from various authors. But this theory falls apart when you consider the history of the Jewish people. Jewish people are well known for their intelligence and willingness to debate religion at length. Do you really believe this type of personality would have practiced generation after generation the detailed festivals such as the Passover, Pentecost and the Feast of the Tabernacles if the facts of these events had not been passed down to them by eye-witnesses, in detail: “Know today that I do not speak with your children…but your eyes have seen every great act of the Lord which He did.” (Deut. 11:2-7). Does it really make sense that a thousand years after the events occurred, someone connived these stories and manipulated the Jewish people, who were scattered throughout Iran and Spain, to universally adapt these religious festivals and feasts? Another criticism claimed it was impossible for Moses to write these books because writing was not invented when he lived. However, archeological findings recently confirm written inscriptions of the secular Law of Hammurabi which existed many centuries before Moses.

Critics claim the dry desert of the Sinai could never have supported the huge flocks of sheep during the Exodus. However, it’s now proven that some parts of that area would support such flocks even today. The Gulf of Suez once extended fifty miles north into the Sinai. This would have had a domino effect creating dew and rains, causing vegetation growth resulting in enormous pasturage.

Suffice-it-to-say, current archeological findings confirm with clarity the details described in the Bible, Old and New Testaments.

Obviously, the early believers, Old Testament and New Testament, knew what they believed and stood firm in it: are you as clear in what you believe? Do you take as firm a stance amidst challenge?

Tomorrow we’ll see how astronomy confirms God and His Book….

Blessings Always in All Ways,


The Signature of God, by Grant R. Jeffrey
Yeshua, Yacov Rambsel
Yeshua---The Name of Jesus Revealed in the Old Testament, Yacov Rambsel
The Genesis Factor, Yacov Rambsel


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