Thursday, June 09, 2005


In a recent study I did of the Fruit of the Spirit I the quality of peace really struck me. When we look at the world around is we see little peace. There are countries against countries all the way down to family members versus family members. We live in an unstable world, where can we go to find peace? Ephesians 2:13-14 says “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace…” As the verse says Jesus is our peace. During his ministry Jesus was followed constantly by crowds of needy people. They desired his attention, his miraculous touch and his amazing teaching. He in human flesh at times grew tired. There are several times in the Bible it talks about Jesus withdrawing to a quiet place to pray. We can find peace in prayer and spending time in God’s word. I love the Psalms. David expresses his inner most feelings and pain. I like to read the Psalms when I am feeling overwhelmed and feel as if I am lacking peace. I take comfort in the words of David as he expresses the good and the bad of his life. I believe prayer is one of the best ways of regaining the feeling of peace. Sometimes when things are bothering us we just need to talk things through and that’s part of prayer just discussing what is on our heart with God. In John 6:1-15 we read the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand. He used five barley loaves and two fish and was able to meet everyone’s needs. I love how Beth Moore in her study “Living Beyond Yourself” related this story to God’s peace. She made these points that we should consider. The first thing is Jesus made them aware of their need. Sometimes God has to make us aware of our need. We live in such a fast paced and hectic world it takes coming to a point that things are piling up around us and we are overwhelmed before it is clear what we need. The second thins is Christ took what they had. I love that we can come to Him when we are running on empty and He meets us where we are. No scolding, no guilt. Christ also placed the people in a posture to receive. He had them sit down. Sometimes we need to get in a place where we can receive from God. If we ask I believe He can grant us peace in a moment’s notice, yet for a consistent life of peace we need to be in a place where we can receive from Him. Then finally Jesus gave them more than they could ask or imagine. Ephesians 3:20 tells us that is what He wants to do for us in our life. Peace in this world is attainable. It’s keeping our mind focused on Him. Isaiah 26:3 says “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.” Our mind focused and stayed on Him, for He himself is our peace.



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