Tuesday, June 21, 2005

God’s Testimony

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Proverbs 28:13 He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.

I am so thankful for God’s forgiveness and mercy. Although I do not deserve forgiveness, He has given it to me. His mercy endures forever. He has also shown me that He is using my trial to touch others and for His testimony in my life. And because of that, I have been given more peace than I thought I could ever have going through the loss of my baby. I learned just the other day that my baby already had fingerprints. At 9 weeks, their fingerprints are already designed. It seems I am hearing a lot about babies these days.

Anyway, Mother’s Day, my mother said to me, Tammy, maybe having gone through this you can now understand what so many others have gone through…how they have felt. Maybe you can help others going through this. You have never known what others have gone through. She was right. I had no idea but I certainly know now.

Even though I was unsure of His plan, my mom couldn’t have been more right. The more people asked how I was doing the more they shared how they felt and what they are still going through, having gone through the loss of a baby. I spoke to my cousin a week ago and she told me that all the girls on my dad’s side of the family had lost their first baby. I had no idea. I also didn’t know that my cousin was still in so much pain over giving birth to her baby only to lose her. A baby she thinks about every single day. How could I not know? God has shown me ”the why” over and over but I am just now getting it. I have not invested any time with my extended family and others God has put in my path. . God is teaching me that I must get involved in the lives of others. (The meaning of involved: To enfold or envelop so as to encumber; to engage as a participant; to surround as if with a wrapping). My excuses have always been “I do not live there“ or I that I do not see them as much as I should but we live so far away from everyone…I’m sure you see where this is going…not where God wants it to go.

God is also using my trial as an open door to share him with others. I may see this friend of mine twice a year and God has put her on my heart for a couple of years now. You pray for an open door to share Him with others. You seek God on how to share Him with others. God is using my loss as an open door. My friend had a son die at or right after birth and they still cry over him. They now have a 3 year old and he is just precious. They tried again and miscarried this year. I want to share her email with you on how God is beginning to move in her life. “I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I was so excited for you guys and kept meaning to say congratulations. I suffered a miscarriage and I am still not sure if I want to try again. I admire your courage and hope you are doing okay through this. Please let me know how you are doing. I am doing much soul searching these days and could always use some of your encouragement. I am trying to come to terms with God right now...that is the best way I can describe what I am going through. I was not raised with church or God in my life and now I am trying to decide how I feel or where I am going in my life with God as a part. It is hard to explain. I know that you are a great believer and I am needing support/guidance/prayer from those that I love that truly believe. I hope this is making sense. I am at a crossroad and trying to decide which path to take. “

This has given me the opportunity to share with her, the most wonderful, most merciful, the most loving God. God has turned what was a very difficult trial into joy for me…did I say joy? This would have been very difficult to even conceive just a few days ago. But it has brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart to share the most loving Father with my friend. And I also know what it is like to go through trials without Christ in my life. It is a very scary way to live. In writing this bread it made me realize even more that having Christ through my loss is more than I can put into words.

Although my journey with God using this trial has just begun, I continue to seek Him on how He wants to use my trial in order to share Him with others. And I pray He continue to show me how to invest my life with those He has put in my life and in my path. ( Meaning of invest: To clothe, surround). My husband and I both are praying about where and how he wants us to get more involved in the lives of others. The world is hurting. The church is hurting and wounded. How many of us feel comfortable in sharing our trials much less our sin to those we are to call brothers and sisters in Christ? Let’s begin a healing in the church and in the world. We need each other. Romans 12:5 so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.

My prayer for us today: Lord, please give us Your Love, Your Mercy, Your Forgiveness. Lord we want more of you in our lives. Lord, give us a heart of worship and praise. Give us the heart of repentance. Lord, help us to invest in Your children and to increase the Kingdom of heaven. Lord, help us to become who you want us to be. Help us to truly love others as you love us and as You truly love them. Thank you for your forgiveness and merciful heart. Lord, thank you for Your love. The greatest gift we could ever receive is You…if we receive nothing else, let us give thanks, for that gift, is enough. Lord we praise Your Holy name. We praise You Lord for rescuing us from death. It is in Your Holy Name that we pray. Amen.



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