Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Genesis 1:1

Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

I Timothy 6:17b “But their trust should be in the living God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment.”

When I got the news that my father had passed away, I knew I had to go, but I couldn’t bear the thought of flying up to Montana. It would have made his death seem too real too soon. So I decided to drive—2,600 miles in two days.

I spent those two days alone with the Lord and the changing scenery.

The drive from Southern California to Las Vegas was familiar, with its washed-out brown hills flanking flat, dry valleys. After Vegas, the terrain was new to me. Dry brown turned to dry red. Sparsely scattered scrub brush turned to pale grass and later to trees dotting green hillsides, and eventually snow-dappled mountains.

At each change in the scenery, my heart breathed, “Lord, it’s beautiful!” Even when I got pulled over for speeding, when the state trooper went to his car to check my registration, the Lord had a meadowlark sing for me. And the tears ran down my cheeks at that sound of Montana’s state bird, which I hadn’t heard in years.

God is good. Always and in all ways. He created this earth for us to inhabit and enjoy. And even though mankind has fallen—and nature with him—this world is ours to enjoy and to thank and praise Him for.

What beauty and blessing is around you that you need to see and appreciate? Open your eyes and let your heart breathe praise to the Lord.



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