Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Recently my pastor asked the congregation: If some sort of technical breakthrough allowed a camera to take your picture and display on the screen what was on your mind most of the time, what would it be? (He quickly assured us that this hadn’t been created yet – to his knowledge.) It certainly made me think. What do I spend the most time thinking about? Whatever occupies my mind was probably birthed in my heart.

Matthew 9:19-21 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

What are the “treasures in Heaven” the Lord is speaking about here? Consider what happened to the “belongings” of many people in the aftermath of recent hurricanes. This is a good indicator of how valuable those things are in eternity. Now visualize the level of “distraught” that people displayed who lost family members. This is a key. I believe that God treasures what He sent His Son to die for – His people.

So if the direction from God is to lay up treasures (people) in Heaven, what am I to do? In my daily interaction with people, am I looking for an opportunity to display Christ-like qualities? Jesus had the ability to look past the sinner in anyone and see the saint (even in me). Then who am I to decide that the saint in someone isn’t just under the surface ready to emerge? Even if all I do is remove 1 teaspoon of water from their sinking ship, or give them cotton ball size comfort, I don’t know how many other teaspoons were removed or cotton balls provided up to that time. I may either be one of many teaspoons or cotton balls needed, or I may be the teaspoon that leads to salvation or the cotton ball that delivers healing. Either way, God treasures the effort.

What do you spend most of your time thinking about?

I pray that you will think of teaspoons and cotton balls at least once a day. Those are the treasures of Heaven. In Jesus Name, Amen.



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