Monday, May 22, 2006

Mark 6:56

Mark 6:56

56And wherever he went—into villages, towns or countryside—they placed the sick in the marketplaces. They begged him to let them touch even the edge of his cloak, and all who touched him were healed.

The New Testament is replete with examples of healings in many forms. During a flight this last week, this question came up. Does God still heal today? My seatmate was a bit skeptical based upon the stereotype of the TV healing services that he has seen, not to mention the news programs about fraudulent healers. I was happy to share with him a story I had heard that very day.

I had the privilege to spend some time with one of our company Area Coaches and he related the story of his own healing. Suffering from fainting spells that doctors could not diagnosis, his family took matters into their own hands. His father suggested that they knew the greatest physician ever and could get an appointment 24/7. The Great Physician, God, was ready and after a period of intense prayer from the family, the symptoms disappeared and have not come back since.



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