And He Will Reign Forever and Ever…!
(see Scriptural references below for support of statements throughout this Bread)
If God is good, and God is real…why then is their so much pain and suffering, so much frustration, despair, injustice, and, discord?
Let’s return to the basics and remember because God is Love, He sought a loving relationship and created mankind. Love is a choice. So, He had to give us the ability to choose loving Him. We chose not to. We continue to always have the choice to relate to our Loving Father or take matters into our own hands. As people choose to rely on their own motivations and thinking for direction, bad things result: conflicts occur, disease develops, etc. Nevertheless, God is ever-present and available. His Kingdom is indeed among us and ever-available for those who so choose. He has come in person (Christ) demonstrating His power to overcome the destructive force of this life. He has promised to come again and wipe out all misery and injustice. In the interim, we continue to be free to choose. He tells us we are His vessels. It is His responsibility to come again and overpower evil. It is our responsibility to allow Him to express through us His power of Love. We do that through clear commitments of faith and acts of Christ-centered Love. It’s easy for us to confuse the means with the ends. All the world may not be pleasant right now, but it will be. As Handel so eloquently wrote it to music, “And He shall reign for ever and ever! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!”
God is Love (I John 4:8)
God made mankind is His own image of Love and Goodness (Genesis 1:26)
Everything from God is good (Genesis 1:31)
The power of Evil negotiates with us and we can choose to go that direction (Genesis 3:1,7,11)
Christ rose from the dead (Matthew 28:1-6, 9-10)
Christ Will Come Again ( Matthew 24:15-44)
Eternal goodness to those who love God (I Corinthians 2:9; II Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1-8)
Blessings Always in All Ways,